Halsey Field House, United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland
A General Contractor Serving Washington, DC Metropolitan Area Since 1951

2009 AGC Washington Contractor Award

Longworth Garage and Exterior Improvements
Architect of the Capitol, Washington DC


The Longworth Garage and Exterior Improvements project involved the addition of a new waterproofing system to the underground garages and the repair and enhancement of the plaza over the garages immediately adjacent to the Longworth House Office Building, used by the United States House of Representatives.

The John C. Grimberg Co. (Grimberg) served as the prime contractor for this project, maintaining operation of the Longworth Building and access to the plaza above the garages throughout the contract for Members of Congress and their staff.

Notable Features

A major component of this contract was the waterproofing, which required excavation of the perimeter of the garages at the plaza level, complete removal of existing waterproofing, installation of new waterproofing and then backfilling of the affected area. In addition, Grimberg's improvements of the plaza included the sensitive restoration and repair of the original granite fascia and curbs.

As the project progressed, Grimberg excavated and restored planters on the perimeter of the park containing mature trees and shrubs. The contractor also carried out ground work for a new irrigation system, stone cleaning and grouting to restore old dirty stone to a new appearance, and curb and gutter replacement. All work was completed in phases in order to keep the plaza open and operational to the House employees.